Version update 24.1.2020: What is new in Chipster 3.16.3
Summary: This is a patch due to a bug in the RNA-seq aligner HISAT2. The strandedness parameter of the HISAT2 tools was reversed, which caused the XS tags in the BAM file to be the wrong way round (+ instead of -, and vica versa).
The XS tags are used by the older tools Cufflinks and Cuffdiff when they assemble transcripts and count reads per genes/transcripts. Note that counting reads per genes by HTSeq is not affected by XS tags,
because it uses its own method for strandedness information. For those people who would like to rerun their Cufflinks/Cuffdiff analysis, we have made a conversion tool Reverse XS tags in BAM
which you can run on the old HISAT2 BAM files (this is faster than running the aligner again).
NOTE: We strongly encourage you to try the new Chipster Web app, which will replace the Java based Chipster later this year. The Web app does not require Java (many universities do not provide Java anymore because Oracle's Java license policy changed).
Users from Finnish universities can access the Chipster Web app with their HAKA (university) account. Note that the analysis session format is different, so your sessions are not automatically transferred. However, we made a conversion system which allows you to upload old sessions from your laptop to the new Chipster.
Version update 8.10.2019: What is new in Chipster 3.16
Summary: This version brings major improvements to single cell RNA-seq data analysis, because the single cell analysis tools have been updated to Seurat v3 and R3.6.1.
We would also like to encourage you to try our new web interface to Chipster, which does not require Java (many universities do not provide Java anymore because Oracle's Java license policy changed).
Users from Finnish universities can access the web based Chipster with their HAKA (university) account.
Note that the analysis session format is different, so your sessions are not automatically transferred. However, we made a conversion system which allows you to upload old sessions from your laptop to the new Chipster.
Version update 9.4.2019: What is new in Chipster 3.15
Summary: This version contains new tools for calling somatic variants (SNPs and INDELs) using the GATK4 Mutect2 pipeline. It also has tools for retrieving data from Illumina BaseSpace and ENA. Many
single cell RNA-seq data analysis tools have been improved. All the reference genomes have been updated to Ensembl v95,
and genome indexes for new organisms have been added in the STAR and HISAT2 aligners.
- All reference genomes have been updated to Ensembl v95.
- VirusDetect database has been updated to v227.
- Import tool allows you to copy the same function (Use Import tool or Import directly) to all files.
Version update 13.9.2018: What is new in Chipster 3.14
Summary: This version contains major improvements in the community analysis tools for amplicon sequencing data (16S rRNA), and it also makes quality control easier for multisample datasets.
The example session NGS_16S_rRNA_community_analysis_MiSeqData demonstrates how these tools can be used.
- 16S rRNA sequencing / Produce count table and phenodata has been improved in many ways:
- This tool used to count only unique sequences, now it uses Mothur's count_table file to count all sequences.
If you have used to this tool after running the tool Extract unique sequences, we strongly recommend that you do your analysis again.
- Additional output file counttable_transposed.tsv has been added. This file is suitable for the RNA-seq tools DESeq2 and edgeR in Chipster,
allowing you to use their recommended normalization methods for microbiome data. Note that you can also use it for the tool Quality control / PCA and heatmap of samples with DESeq2.
- New parameter Rarefy counts. Produces a countable where total sequence counts for each sample are equal and the same as in the smallest sample.
- New parameter Produce binary table instead of counts. Produces a countable where detected species are marked with 1 and undetected with 0, instead of the actual sequence counts. This kind of counttable is typically used for co-occurance studies.
- 16S rRNA sequencing / Align sequences to reference The number of processors to be used has been increased. Silva reference database has been updated to v132 and the option to use bacterial subset has been removed.
- 16S rRNA sequencing / Classify sequences to taxonomic units The number of processors to be used has been increased. Silva reference database has been updated to v132 and the option to use bacterial subset has been removed.
- Quality control / Read quality with FastQC Contains new parameter Create input for MultiQC.
- Silva database has been updated to v132.
Version update 13.6.2018: What is new in Chipster 3.13
Summary: This version contains reference data updates and new tools for single cell RNA-seq data analysis and alignment of long reads (e.g. PacBio or Oxford Nanopore).
The single cell tools allow for example the identification of common cell types across conditions and comparison of the different conditions.
The example session NGS_single_cell_RNAseq_Seurat_integrated_analysis demonstrates how these tools can be used and it follows the original Seurat tutorial.
- Reference genomes have been updated to Ensembl v92.
- miRBase has been updated to v22.
- All Seurat-based tools for single cell RNA-seq have been updated to Seurat v2.3 and R v3.4.3.
- TagCleaner has been updated to v0.16.
Version update 25.10.2017: What is new in Chipster 3.12
Summary: The tool categories "Single cell RNA-seq" and "16S rRNA sequencing" have undergone a major overhaul with new tools and improvements based on the feedback kindly provided by
the Chipster user community in Finland. You can now analyze DropSeq and Chromium
10X single cell RNA-seq data from raw reads to clustering and marker gene detection based on the DropSeq and
Seurat packages. Chipster v3.12 contains also the HISAT2 and STAR aligners for RNA-seq data, which will eventually replace TopHat2.
- Alignment / HISAT2 for paired end reads Aligns RNA-seq reads to human and mouse genomes, but you can also give your own reference genome is fasta format. The same tool is available also for single end reads.
- Alignment / STAR for paired end reads and human genome Aligns RNA-seq reads to human genome hg38 using the STAR 2-pass method. The same tool is available also for single end reads. Currently only the human genome is offered as a reference due to the size of STAR indeces.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Preprocessing DropSeq FASTQ files Tags the reads with the cellular and molecular barcodes, removes reads where the cell or molecular barcode has low quality bases,
trims adapters and polyA tails.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Merge aligned and unaligned BAM Adds the cell and molecular barcode and other tags that were lost during the alignment to the aligned BAM file.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Tag reads with gene names Adds a BAM tag GE to reads when a read overlaps an exon of a gene.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Estimate number of usable cells Extracts the number of reads per cell barcode and draws a cumulative distribution plot.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Create digital gene expression matrix Identifies and corrects bead synthesis errors and extracts digital gene expression values from a BAM file.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Seurat -Setup and QC Constructs a Seurat object from either .tar package of 10X Genomics output files or DGE table from DropSeq.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Seurat -Filtering, regression and detection of variable genes Filters cells, regresses out uninteresting sources of variation, and detects highly variable genes which are needed for PCA.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Seurat -PCA Principal component analysis using highly variable genes.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Seurat -Clustering Clusters cells, does non-linear dimensional reduction tSNE for visualization, and finds marker genes for the clusters.
- Single cell RNA-seq / Seurat -Visualize biomarkers Visualizes selected marker genes with violin and feature plots.
- 16s rRNA sequencing / Split FASTQ file to FASTA and QUAL files Given a FASTQ file, produces a FASTA file and QUAL file using the Mothur tool
- 16s rRNA sequencing / Produce count table and phenodata Generates a count table and a phenodata file, which you can use to assign samples to different experimental groups.
- Quality control / Check FASTQ file for errors Performs validity checks for a FASTQ file to spot some common problems.
- Utilities / Merge FASTQ Merges FASTQ files, optionally in alphabetical order.
- Utilities / List contents of a tar file List the contents of a tar package.
- Utilities / Compress a file with gzip Compresses a file with gzip.
- Utilities / Row count Counts how many lines there are in a txt or tsv file.
- Most of the tools in the 16s rRNA sequencing category have been modified in order to work with paired end MiSeq data according to the Mothur MiSeq SOP.
- BWA aligners can now take several FASTQ files as input. For paired end reads you need to provide file name lists for read1 files and read2 files.
- Utilities / Extract .tar or .tar.gz file You can now extract only selected files from a tar package.
- Small RNA-seq / VirusDetect Output files are named based on sample names.
- Reference data has been updated to Ensembl v90.
- VirusDetect has been updated to v1.7 and its database has been updated v220.
- Spreadsheet visualization: In addition to the number of rows also the number of columns is indicated.
- 3D scatter plot visualization: Group 2 is colored in red instead of green.
Version update 19.12.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.11
Summary: This version contains a new tool category Single cell RNA-seq, and it also contains some updates and improvements to existing tools.
- 10 new tools for analyzing single cell RNA-seq data and a corresponding example session have been added. These tools are based on the Picard and Drop-seq packages, and they allow you to perform the required preprocessing steps, quantitate expression, and produce diagnostic plots.
Please note that these tools are still under development, so we might make changes to them or even combine several tools at a later stage. Should you have any wishes or comments regarding tools for single cell RNA-seq data, please feel free to contact us.
Version update 22.11.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.10
Summary: All the reference genomes and many analysis packages have been updated. This version contains also new and improved functionality for RNA-seq data.
In particular, stranded RNA-seq data is now better supported and there is also a manual page for stranded RNA-seq data.
- Reference data has been updated to Ensembl v86.
- R-based analysis tools have been migrated to R3.2.3 and some copy number aberration tools have been migrated to R3.3.2.
- The following command line tools have been updated: Bowtie2 2.2.9, Cufflinks 2.2.1, MACS2, Mothur 1.36.1, Picard 2.6.0, RSeQC 2.6.4, Tophat 2.1.1
- RNA-seq / Merge transcript assemblies with Cuffmerge: Reference GTF and fasta files are now available. The problem with duplicate identifiers has been solved.
- RNA-seq / Differential expression using Cuffdiff: Library type and labels parameter have been added. The direction of fold change calculation has been reversed.
- RNA-seq / Assemble transcripts using Cufflinks: GTF sorting has been added.
- RNA-seq / Count aligned reads per genes with HTSeq: Information about the different strandedness options has been added.
- RNA-seq / Differential expression using DESeq2: Plots and rounding of result columns has been improved for cases when there are more than two experimental groups.
- Alignment / TopHat tools: You can give several FASTQ files per sample as input. For paired end reads you need to make a list of filenames first.
- Quality control / RNA-seq quality metrics with RseQC: BED files are now available in Chipster.
- Variants / Filter variants: Option to keep all INFO fields has been added. INDELs are added by the default in the output.
- Statistics / Linear modeling: The output has been simplified and the manual has been clarified.
- Statistics / Two group test: The direction of fold change produced by the RankProd method has been reverted.
- Normalization / Illumina - methylumi pipeline: The ability to analyze Illumina 450k arrays has been removed because the new Bioconductor version doesn't support it.
- Chipster now uses Ubuntu v16.04.
- Database performance for cloud sessions has been improved.
- All R-based tools are now in folder R. Runtimes.xml has been simplified.
Version update 23.5.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.9.0
Summary:This version mainly contains internal changes to the way how tool scripts are distributed on the server side.
- Chipster client application now requires Java 1.8 or later
- Tool scripts are moved from computing services to a centralised toolbox service
Version update 4.5.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.8.1
Summary: This version contains a bug fix for the tool Differential expression using DESeq2.
Version update 22.3.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.8
Summary: This version contains improvements to several analysis tools.
- Each result file contains information about the Chipster version that produced it.
- TopHat tools: If user sets the parameter "Number of mismatches allowed in final alignment" to a value higher than 2, Chipster automatically sets the internal parameter --read-edit-dist parameter to the same value.
- Mothur tools: The summary tables show properly when visualized as spreadsheets.
- Variants / Call SNPs and short INDELs now has a parameter "Ploidy".
- Utilities / Table converter now allows you to define ranges of columns.
Version update 14.1.2016: What is new in Chipster 3.7
Summary: This version enables users to save analysis sessions on the server side.
Please note that this cloud session functionality is still at a beta version stage, meaning that it might have unexpected problems. Therefore we strongly advice you to save an extra copy of your session also locally.
- You can now store analysis sessions on the server. Use the File menu in the upper panel to save, open and manage cloud sessions.
Version update 2.10.2015: What is new in Chipster 3.6
Summary: Many NGS tools have been updated to new versions, and reference genomes have been updated to Ensembl version 81. New NGS tools have been added.
The job manager component of Chipster server has been re-written in Java in order to get rid of random messaging errors, which caused problems for example when starting the Chipster client software.
- Interactive 3D scatterplots and PCA plots can be saved as png images.
- Interactive Volcano plot is available for edgeR and DESeq2 results.
- The job manager component of Chipster server has been re-written in Java in order to get rid of random messaging errors, which caused problems for example when starting the Chipster client software.
Version update 10.7.2015: What is new in Chipster 3.5
Summary: Result files from several NGS analysis tools are automatically named according to the original sample name, saving you the hassle of renaming files. Data can be imported directly to Chipster server from a url.
- Genome browser allows viewing strand-specific coverage for stranded RNA-seq data based on the XS tag in BAM files.
Version update 20.4.2015: What is new in Chipster 3.4
- Normalization / Illumina now allows you to add the original Illumina annotations to the data, in addition to the ones provided by Bioconductor.
Version update 12.3.2015: What is new in Chipster 3.3
Summary: This version brings a major improvement as you can close Chipster while an analysis job is running, and return to the same session later when the results are ready.
- You don't need to keep the Chipster client open when running long jobs.
- Linear modeling tools: Phenodata column names which share a word are allowed thanks to Oliver Heil, DKFZ.
Version update 9.2.2015: What is new in Chipster 3.2
- All genomes and GTF files have been updated to Ensembl 78. Cat genome has been added.
- miRBase21 mature miRNA sequences for human, rat and mouse have been added to Bowtie and BWA aligners.
- DESeq2 has been updated to R3.1.2. Textual summary has been added, the MA plot has been updated, and the dispersion fitting parameter has been removed.
- Tophat2 tools: A parameter for library type has been added. The parameter for concordant pairs has been removed due to a bug in Tophat itself. Insertion and deletion BED files have been removed from the output.
- The MeDIP-seq tool now accepts also mouse and rat data in addition to human.
- Read quality with FastQC: The output figures have been combined to one pdf file.
- Trim reads with Trimmomatic: The problem with missing output file for paired end runs has been fixed.
- The problem in using a Mac mouse with the Genome browser has been fixed.
Version update 6.11.2014: What is new in Chipster 3.1
Summary: This version contains important improvements to the user interface, file transfers, and reference data.
- Workflow layout is saved so that when you open a session, the files appear in the same positions where you placed them before.
- All genomes and GTF files have been updated to Ensembl 77. This includes the new human genome assembly, GRCh38.
- BWA-based alignment tools have been updated to version 0.7.10.
- ChIP-seq and DNase-seq / Find peaks using F-seq: Mappability parameter has been added.
- The MeDIP-seq toolhas been made available again after updating the MEDIPS package to R3.
- SSL support is extended to payload of file transfers, so that not only file metadata (name, ownership, etc.) is transmitted encrypted,
but also the content of the file is encrypted. When enabled, payload encryption will have some impact on performance.
For more information please see the technical manual
Version update 13.8.2014: What is new in Chipster 3.0
Summary: This is a major update which contains improvements to the user interface functionality and looks.
All the NGS analysis tools except variant annotation have been updated to use R3.0.2.
Several new NGS analysis tools have been added, and many existing tools have been updated and improved.
The virtual machine has been updated to use Ubuntu 12.04.
- Information on the selected data set is now shown in the visualization panel, which also includes shortcuts to the visualizations and the possibility to rename the file and add notes to it.
- "Batch mode" of running analysis tools: You can launch several identical analysis jobs at the same time, if the analysis tool requires only one input file: Select the files, set the parameters, and click on the "Run for each" button.
- "Batch mode" of running workflows: You can launch a workflow on several input files at the same time: Select the files and "Workflow / Run for each".
- Possibility to visualize user-supplied genomes in the genome browser has been added.
Version update 21.5.2014: What is new in Chipster 2.12.1
Small bug fix update.
- Fix Generate phenodata tool
Version update 13.5.2014: What is new in Chipster 2.12
This is a small update which includes a couple of bug fixes and a new genome added to some aligners.
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome (ASM294v2.22) has been added to TopHat2, Bowtie2, Bowtie, Cufflinks, Cuffcompare and Cuffdiff tools.
- Chipster's pdf viewer now works also on computers which have OpenJDK Java.
- A bug that prevented the use of gzipped files on single machine Chipster server installations has been fixed.
- Chipster server automatically rejects analysis tools which have identical names for input and output files.
Version update 7.4.2014: What is new in Chipster 2.11
This is a major update which combines v2.10 and v2.11. It provides 62 new analysis tools, the majority of which are in the brand new sequence analysis module.
New tools have been added also in the NGS module, including the Dimont motif finding tools kindly contributed by Jan Grau (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg).
Microarray analysis tools have been migrated to use R3.0.2 and the Brainarray custom CDFs version 18,
and some NGS command line tools have been updated to new versions. Many existing tools and visualizations have been improved.
The Chipster client can now be launched with more memory if needed for visualization.
This new module contains 54 analysis tools from the EMBOSS, BLAST, MAFFT and PHYLIP packages in the following categories:
- Data retrieval contains tools for fetching sequences from databases.
- BLAST contains NCBI BLASTs and organism specific BLASTs using Ensembl.
- Sequence alignment contains pairwise and multiple sequence alignment tools such as MAFFT.
- Nucleotide sequence analysis contains tools for primer design, restriction mapping, finding open reading frames, etc.
- Protein sequence analysis contains pattern finding tools.
- Sequence utilities contains various utility tools from the EMBOSS package.
- Phylogeny contains PHYLIP tools.
- Other tools contains for example a tool for retrieving specified columns from a table.
- You can create subsets of VCF, GTF and BED files in the spreadsheet view. As for TSV files, select the rows, right-click and select "Create dataset".
- Spreadsheet view shows now the first 10,000 rows (instead of 2000).
- Genome browser copes better with high read piles. The maximum read track height has been set to 1000 reads (note that if you set "Coverage scale = automatic", you can check the actual height in the coverage track).
You can also launch the Chipster client with more memory (3 GB or 6 GB) to improve viewing.
- Phenodata editor doesn't allow spaces in column names and changes them to underscores.
- The tool category Filtering has been renamed to Preprocessing and it contains tools for trimming and filtering reads. Tool package names have been added for clarity, as the next release will contain also Trimmomatic tools.
Tools for filtering data tables have been moved to the Utilities category.
- Alignment / Align reads with TopHat2: Human transcriptome index has been added in order to make the first alignment step faster.
- RNA-seq / Assemble trancripts using Cufflinks: GTF sorting and the possibility to perform RABT and have been added.
- CNA-seq / Call aberrations from segmented copy number data: If cellularities (proportion of tumor cells in the samples) are known, it is now possible to correct for it by choosing the phenodata column containing the values.
- CNA-seq / Cluster called copy number data: Possible to skip clustering and plot a heatmap in the original sample order.
- CNA-seq / Detect genes from called copy number data: Now uses gene list from Bioconductor instead of CanGEM.
- CNA-seq tools now use a new preprocessing method, QDNAseq, for BAM files.
- PRINSEQ tools for read filtering and trimming use PRINSEQ's own paired end support and, in order to make the output files smaller, they do not fill the quality header lines.
- TopHat2 has been updated to version 2.0.10.
- PRINSEQ has been updated to version 0.20.4.
- DEXSeq read counting uses updated Python scripts.
- Several PRINSEQ tools have been combined to tools "Filter reads for several criteria with PRINSEQ" and "Trim reads for several criteria with PRINSEQ" for more efficient analysis.
Version update 4.12.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.9
Chipster 2.9 contains many analysis tool updates and improvements to the genome browser. It also
contains some new analysis tools and a tutorial for CNA-seq data
analysis kindly contributed by Ilari Scheinin (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam). In order
to made it easier for the developer community to integrate new analysis tools in Chipster, this
new version provides a graphical tool editor environment and support for Python.
- Web based Tool editor for making it
easier to write Chipster tool headers. In this first version, use copy/paste to get headers in
and out of the Tool editor. Future functionality will include viewing and editing existing
tools and easy deployment to Chipster. Available also in the Chipster virtual machine.
- Support for analysis tool scripts in Python has been added. Just like for R scripts,
you can view the source code of the Python tools, and updated scripts can be instantaneously
run in the Chipster client.
- R scripts have a new variable chipster.threads.max, which defines the number of threads
for parallel tools. This centralized configuration according to available CPU resources
provides shorter run times for analysis tools.
- You can select features in visualized BED, VCF and tsv files by clicking on them.
Information about the selected feature is shown in the side panel.
- BED score and color columns can be visualized.
- High resolution images can be exported.
- Show all reads -functionality is now track-specific.
- Resolved the bug that prevented genome browser visualization with a tsv file.
- The chiptype column can now be edited in the Phenodata editor.
- BWA, Tophat2, Tophat, Bowtie2, Bowtie, Cufflinks, Cuffmerge and Cuffdiff tools: The
number of threads has been increased so the tools run faster.
- RNA-seq and miRNA-seq / Differential expression
using edgeR for multivariate experiments: Raw counts are added to the output, allowing
visualization of expression profiles etc.
- RNA-seq and miRNA-seq / Differential expression
using edgeR: Tagwise dispersion is calculated using trended dispersion in order to cope better
with outliers.
- Quality control / Read quality with FastQC: BAM files
accepted as input.
- CNA-seq / Segment copy number data: Significance
threshold parameter for accepting change points has been added.
- BWA, Tophat2, Tophat, Bowtie2 and Bowtie tools: Drosophila melanogaster genome added.
- Tophat2 has been updated to version 2.0.9.
- BEDtools has been updated to version 2.17.0.
- SAMtools has been updated to version 0.1.19.
- VCFtools has been updated to version 0.1.11.
- edgeR-based tools have been updated to version 3.4.0.
- Visualization / Annotated heatmap: Generates
visually advanced heatmaps with sample information such as experimental group or other
annotation and sample means. We strongly encourage users to migrate to this tool from the old
Heatmap tool, which will become obsolete in the next Chipster version.
- Utilities / Merge expression and phenodata:
Integrates expression and phenodata tables to a single output file that can be opened in Excel.
- Pathways / IntAct and Reactome tools have been removed as EBI has discontinued the
programmatic access that these tools used.
Version update 30.8.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.8
Chipster 2.8 contains many improvements to visualizations and some new analysis tools. It
requires Java 1.7, and contains a fix to the file import problem that some Windows users
- This version requires Java 1.7. If you experience problems when launching Chipster,
please check your Java version.
- A bug causing occasional issues when importing files in Windows has been fixed.
- Visualization of copy number data: Losses and gains are shown as red and blue boxes,
respectively. Frequencies and log ratios are shown as line graph.
- Clearer display of gene names.
- Faster coverage calculation and display.
- Options for showing scale and type (total, strand-specific) of rough coverage at zoomed
out level (> 50 kb).
- Spinning circle indicates that more data is being loaded to the track.
- Problems in faulty BAM files are tolerated (e.g. alignment extends past the end of a
- Mitochondrial chromosome names M and MT are recognized as identical
- Interactive 3D scatter plot has more intuitive color scale and options to change the
shape of the data points and the background color (new default is white).
- Interactive 3D scatterplot for PCA has the above mentioned changes and a new color
- BAM viewer is more tolerant to problems (e.g. alignment extends past the end of a
Version update 28.6.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.7
Chipster 2.7 contains important updates to microarray tools and a new NGS tool category
Metagenomics, which consists of Mothur tools for investigating bacterial composition from 16 S
rRNA data.
- Dog genome CanFam3 has been updated to Bowtie, Bowtie2 and BWA scripts.
- Cufflinks tools have been updated to v2.1.1
- Normalization / Illumina. Detection p-value thresholds
have been updated in the parameter "Produce flags". If you have used Illumina flag
filtering for data from BeadStudio v2 or higher, we recommend rerunning the filter.
- Clustering / Classification. Outputs now also
chip-class specific confusion matrices in addition to the class-prediction type of confusion
- Pearson correlation calculation with different Bioconductor functions in tools Visualization
/ Dendrogram, Visualization / Heatmap, and Statistics / Time series has been kindly unified by
Oliver Heil, DKFZ.
Version update 27.5.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.6
Chipster 2.6 contains important updates to microarray and NGS analysis tools and some new
NGS tools.
- Drosophila melanogaster genome (BDGP5.70) has been added.
Version update 11.4.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.5
Chipster 2.5 contains a lot of new analysis and visualization functionality for NGS data
and improvements to some microarray analysis tools. The new NGS data analysis tools include the
TagCleaner package, F-seq peak detection software, and a large number of CNA-seq analysis tools
kindly contributed by Ilari Scheinin (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam).
- Rat genome rn5 (Rnor_5.0) has been added to all aligners.
- miRBase19 for human, mouse and rat have been added to Bowtie and Bowtie2
- Support for GTF files: You can view GTF features in the browser as a separate track.
You can also use a GTF file for rapidly navigating through a list of variants in the browser:
Open GTF file as a spreadsheet and detach it. Clicking on chromosome position in the
spreadsheet navigates the browser to that position in the genome.
- Center line has been added.
- When viewing BAM files, it is not necessary to select the index file (.bai) if it has
the same name.
- Rat genome rn5 (Rnor_5.0) has been added.
- Scrolling to the beginning of chromosome has been made easier.
- VCF files can be viewed also in the absence of BAM files.
- Reference sequence is shown also in the absence of BAM files.
- Coverage track shows SNP locations also when the viewing of reads is disabled.
- A bug in showing human MT reverse strand annotations has been fixed.
- Utilities / Merge tables. Changed to cope better with descriptions incling
line-feeds, quotes and other unusual characters.
- Normalization / Process prenormalised Affy. Parameters "keep.flags" and
"keep.annotations" have been added to control keeping data-specific flags and annotations.
- Normalization / Illumina. Changes to parameter names.
Version update 4.2.2013: What is new in Chipster 2.4
Chipster 2.4 contains changes to the user interface and analysis functionality. New
genomes have been added to several analysis tools and to the genome browser.
Version update 13.11.2012: What is new in Chipster 2.3
Chipster 2.3 contains changes to the user interface and analysis functionality. NGS
alignment tool Bowtie2 has been added, and changes have been made to existing alignment tools.
Sheep genome oar3.1 has been added to alignment tools and genome browser. Support for some Agilent
and Illumina microarrays has been added.
- Naming of datasets in the workflow panel. The "boxes" indicating files are now
named with the extension of the file name. As before, the box is colored according to the tool
category that produced that file, and the full filename is displayed in the datasets panel. We
hope that this change makes selecting files easier in NGS result sets, which typically contain
several file types. Please let us know what you think.
- Sheep genome oar3.1 has been added to all alignment tools: Bowtie1, Bowtie2,
TopHat, TopHat2, BWA.
- Alignment / BWA for paired end reads and own genome. A bug in paired end read
handling has been fixed. Please rerun your alignments.
- Alignment / Bowtie(1) for paired end reads, Bowtie(1) with paired end reads and
own genome. Bug resulting in empty result files has been fixed.
- Utilities / Filter reads for adaptors, length and Ns (FastX Clipper). New
parameters have been added.
- Normalization / Agilent 1-color, Agilent 2-color: Support has been added for
Agilent Fruit fly and Human G4851A arrays.
Version update 27.9.2012: What is new in Chipster 2.2.0
Chipster 2.2.0 contains a new tool category Variants with tools for analyzing VCF files.
Visualization of these files is supported already (see the 12.9.2012 release notes). There are also
new tools for RNA-seq analysis, and many tools have been updated to use Ensembl v68 annotations.
The full list of NGS analysis tools is available
- RNA-seq / Differential expression with Cufflinks. Added mouse genome mm10,
updated GTFs to Ensembl 68. Note that Cufflinks version is still 1.0.3, but we are working on
updating it to 2.0.2.
- RNA-seq / Map aligned reads to genes using HTSeq. Added mouse genome mm10,
updated GTFs to Ensembl 68.
- Alignment / TopHat for paired end reads and single end reads. Updated GTFs to
Ensembl 68.
Version update 12.9.2012: What is new in Chipster 2.1.0
Chipster 2.1.0 contains major improvements in the genome browser and important new NGS
data analysis functionality (see below). The full list of NGS analysis tools is available
- Several new genomes added.
- Support for VCF files: You can view variant positions in the browser as a separate
track. You can also use a VCF file for rapidly navigating through a list of variants in the
browser: Open VCF file as a spreadsheet and detach it. Clicking on chromosome position in the
spreadsheet navigates the browser to that position in the genome.
- Improved visualization of INDELs.
- Improved visualization of automatically calculated coverage.
- Links to Ensembl and UCSC genome browser.
- RNA-seq / Differential expression using edgeR for multivariate experiments. This
tool complements the existing edgeR by allowing you to analyze data from more complex
experimental designs.
- Utilities / Annotate variants. This R/Bioconductor-based tool allows you to
annotate human variants in a VCF file.
- PRINSEQ QC, filtering and trimming tools have been updated to use PRINSEQ version
0.19.3, which makes them run faster.
- Paired-end support of the tool "Filter reads for several criteria" has been updated to
support HiSeq FASTQ format.
- Bowtie: Mouse genome mm10 has been added.
- TopHat: Mouse genome mm10 has been added.
Version update 6.7.2012: What is new in Chipster 2.0.2
Chipster 2.0.2 contains new analysis tools for variant calling (SAMtools) and quality
control, trimming and filtering of reads (PRINSEQ). The full list of NGS analysis tools is
- All aligners: Unzipping has been added, so you can give zipped FASTQ as input.
- Bowtie: Genomes for Dog (UCSC canFam2) and Gasterosteus aculeatus (BROADS1.67) have
been added.
- TopHat: Parameter for the standard deviation of inner distance has been added.
- Annotation / Add genomic location to data. Adds chr, start and end location to the
- Pathways / Hypergeometric test for GO. If the data was normalized using custom chiptype
(altCDF) for chips hgu133a or hgu133a2, the same mapping is used in testing.
Version update 24.1.2012: What is new in Chipster 2.0
Chipster 2.0 contains a comprehensive collection of analysis tools for next generation
sequencing (NGS) data. Visualization options now include a built-in genome browser, allowing you to
view reads and results in their genomic context. Importantly, also the analysis session handling
has been improved.
Version update 16.5.2011: What is new in Chipster 1.4.7
The main change is
new R/Bioconductor and annotation packages: All the R/Bioconductor-based analysis tools have
been updated and now run under R 2.12.1 and Bioconductor 2.7. Please note that while Chipster 1.4.7
is focused on microarray and proteomics data analysis, new tools for next generation sequencing
data are constantly added to
Chipster 2.0.
- Utilities / Search by gene name: A new parameter to
control whether to perform exact matching for the query term has been added.
- Utilities / Calculate fold change: New
parameters have been added to give users the choice to use either arithmetic or geometric mean
and whether to output the results in linear or base 2 logarithmic scale.
- All tools that generate static graphical visualizations have been modified to yield
output in PDF format, allowing for high-quality and scalable plots.
Version update 7.12.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.6
- Utilities / Extract genes from KEGG pathway.
This tool can be used to retrieve the genes that map to a pathway determined significant by
pathway analysis tools such has Hypergeometric test for KEGG and Gene set test. Note that there
is a similar tool also for GO analysis results (Utilities / Extract genes from GO term)
- Clustering / Hierarchical: The maximum number
of genes/samples to be clustered is increased to 20 000.
- Visualization / Dendrogram: The maximum number of
samples to be clustered is increased to 20 000.
- Visualization / Heatmap: The maximum number of
genes/samples to be clustered is increased to 20 000.
- Utilities / Sort samples: This tool was originally
intended for ordering samples in a desired way for publication images of result gene lists, and
as such it was not suitable for being used prior to statistical testing. It has been modified
so that it now creates a new phenodata file, making it suitable to be used at any stage of
Version update 14.10.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.5
This release completes the aCGH analysis functionality in Chipster. The aCGH
functionality, kindly contributed by Ilari Scheinin (University of Helsinki), has now passed the
beta testing phase, and the tools also have their manual pages. Please note that as "beta testing"
has been removed from the category name, the workflows created with the test version won't be
- Pathways / Hypergeometric test for GO:
Now includes parameters for p-value adjustment method, GO category type (BP, MF, CC), minimum
size of category, and conditional testing. Results are given both as html and as a table which
can be used for further filtering.
- Pathways / GO enrichment for miRNA targets:
Now includes parameters for p-value adjustment method, GO category type (BP, MF, CC), minimum
size of category, and conditional testing. Results are given both as html and as a table which
can be used for further filtering.
- Annotations / Find miRNA targets: Modified
the output to allow use of downstream tools, such as Venn Diagram visualization to compare
output from different gene target databases and select consensus genes.
- Preprocessing / Filter using a column value:
Removed the restrictive range from the cutoff parameter.
- Statistics / Calculate descriptive
statistics: Modified the behavior for chips so that it now calculates the statistics for all
- Statistics / Gene set test: Modified to exclude single
gene gene sets and added group labels in plots and added more columns with information to
results table.
- Utilities / Combine probes to genes:
Modified to work on input that contains results from the Annotations / Add annotations to data
- Utilities / Average replicate chips: Modified so
that it generates a new phenodata file, enabling downstream analysis of the averaged data.
- Utilities / Extract samples from
dataset: Modified to include annotations and to exclude samples with no class assigned.
Version update 20.4.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.4
Fixed the 3D scatter plot bug of Chipster 1.4.3
Version update 9.4.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.3
This release completes the miRNA
analysis functionality in Chipster and also includes a whole new set of tools for aCGH data. The
aCGH functionality, kindly contributed by Ilari Scheinin (University of Helsinki) also allows to
integrate aCGH data with expression data.
- Annotation / Find miRNA targets: Fetches the
predicted gene targets for a list of miRNA identifiers in miRanda, miRBase, miRtarget2, PicTar,
TarBase and TargetScan.
- Statistics /
Up-down analysis of miRNA targets: Given a miRNA expression dataset and a mRNA expression
dataset for a two-group comparison experiment, this tool identifies the genes whose expression
is down-regulated in response to an up-regulated miRNA, or vice-versa.
- aCGH tools: This category is labelled as beta testing because there might still be some
changes to the tool names and the manual pages are not yet available. To read more please see
recent course slides. The CanGEM database is used for data import, and probe position
and cytoband information. Note that for analyzing your own aCGH data, you can normalize it with
the Normalize / cDNA tool and then fetch the probe positions from CanGEM to allow the
subsequent analysis. The following tools are available:
- Import from CanGEM
- Call copy number aberrations from aCGH data
- Plot copy number profiles from called aCGH data
- Identify common regions from called aCGH data
- Test for DNA copy number induced differential expression
- Plot combined profiles of copy number and expression
- Plot copy-number-induced gene expression
- Fetch probe positions from CanGEM
- Add cytogenetic bands
- Count overlapping CNVs: Compares the found CNVs to the Database of Genomic variants
- Sample size calculations with an adapted BH method
- Preprocessing / Filter using a column value:
Filters the data based on values in the specified column. This can be used for filtering e.g.
by fold change after statistical testing: Selecting "outside" and a cutoff of 1 would give all
the genes that are two fold up- or down-regulated (as the FC column is in log2 scale).
- Preprocessing / Filter using a column term: Filters
data based on terms in a specified text column. This can be used for example for retrieving
genes belonging to a certain pathway or gene ontology category after running the "Add
annotations to data" tool.
- Normalize / Process prenormalized Affy:
Converts normalized Affymetrix data to Chipster format and creates a phenodata table for it.
- Utilities / Intersect lists: Identifies the
intersection, or union, between two or three data tables that share one or more columns with
common identifiers.
- Normalization / Agilent: Flags can be handled in normalization and subsequently used in
- Utilities / Search by gene name: Option to include or exclude the specified genes.
- Utilities / Sort samples: Gene symbols and descriptions are kept in the result file.
- Utilities / Combine probes to genes: Gene symbols and descriptions are kept in the
result file.
- Venn diagram: Possibility to combine datasets using the gene symbol column, instead of
the identifier column. This allows you to intersect gene lists from different array platforms
- 3D scatter for PCA: Possibility to color genes according to cluster, p-value, fold
change etc.
- Volcano plot: The y-axis -log(p) has been changed to use log10 instead of ln.
Version update 11.2.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.2
- Ready-made analysis workflows for miRNA and proteomics data. They can be started from
the top panel menu Workflow/ Run from Chipster repository. More information about the content
of the workflows is available here
- Statistics / Correlate miRNA with target expression. Read more....
- Clustering / KNN classification: Improved validation of classifiers with a test set.
- Hierarchical clustering: Color scheme has been changed to blue-red in order to cater
for color blind users. If you prefer the old green-red scheme, please note that the colors can
be easily changed by right-clicking on the heatmap and selecting Properties /Plot / Heatmap
- Possibility to add gene / protein annotations to visualizations. If you are analyzing
custom chip or proteomics data, Chipster cannot automatically generate the gene symbols
displayed in visualizations. However, you can now mark any column as annotation in the Import
tool, and these annotations will be diplayed together with identifiers in the interactive
Version update 20.1.2010: What is new in Chipster 1.4.1
- Pathways / GO enrichment for miRNA targets.
- Pathways / KEGG enrichment for miRNA targets.
- Utilities / Import from ArrayExpress. This tool imports Affymetrix raw data directly
from ArrayExpress and normalizes it using the RMA algorithm.
- Quality control / Affymetrix exon arrays - using RLE and NUSE
- Normalization / Normalize to chip average
- Normalization / Normalize to gene average
- Pathways / Association to Reactome pathways. Support for UniProt identifiers added to
enable analysis of proteomics data.
- Pathways / Protein interactions from IntAct. Support for UniProt identifiers added to
enable analysis of proteomics data.
- Pathways / Hypergeometric test for ConsensusPathDB. Support for UniProt identifiers
added to enable analysis of proteomics data.
- Pathways / Hypergeometric test for GO. In order to avoid identification of directly
related GO terms with considerable overlap of genes, this tool now uses a conditional method
which removes the genes of the significant child categories before testing their parents.
- Pathways / Hypergeometric test for cytobands. In order to avoid identification of
related regions with considerable overlap of genes, this tool now uses a conditional method
which removes the significant genes of subregions before testing the larger regions.
- Quality control / Affymetrix basic. Spike-in performance plot added.
- Annotation / Agilent, Affymetrix or Illumina gene list. Possibility to annotate lists
of identifiers (with no expression data)
- Statistics / Linear modelling. Parameter called "significance" has been removed, as
p-values are always calculated for interactions if they are taken into account in the model.
- Fixes to promoter analysis tools so that they cope better with R2.9.
- 3D scatter plot for PCA: Samples can be colored based on phenodata columns which
contain text (in addition to numbers).
Version update 11.11.2009: What is new in Chipster 1.4.0
All the analysis tool scripts have been updated to use R 2.9. Consequently the annotation and
pathway tools have been updated to use annotation packages in the .db -format. The following
versions of the annotation packages are currently in use:
- Normalization / Affymetrix exon arrays: Gene symbol and description columns are added,
when the data is normalized at gene level. Larger data sets can be analyzed as the
normalization is now running on a cluster node with 16 GB of memory.
- Normalization / Affymetrix gene arrays: Larger data sets can be analyzed as the
normalization is now running on a cluster node with 16 GB of memory.
- Normalization / Process prenormalized: Additional annotation columns are retained in
the data.
- 3D scatter plot for PCA: After running principal component analysis (PCA) for samples
as a quality control, this visualization allows to color the data points according to
experimental group (or another column in the phenodata table, such as batch).
- Import tool can be used to convert decimal separator (e.g. from comma to dot) in the
files to be imported to Chipster
- Bug fixes to session and workflow functionality.
Version update 17.7.2009: What is new in Chipster 1.3.0
- Affymetrix Human, Mouse and Rat Gene 1.0 ST arrays. These arrays can be normalized and
annotated (see below). Of the Affymetrix quality control tools only the RLE - NUSE tool is
currently suitable for them.
- Normalization / Affymetrix gene arrays
- Annotation / Affymetrix gene ST genelist
- Hierarchical / heatmap:
- Possibility to select genes (and create a new dataset out of them) by drawing a box
on the heatmap
- The image includes gene symbols in addition to the probe names
- Bigger image with scroll bars to view large heatmaps. Ticking the box "Fit to the
screen" shows the whole heatmap.
- Changing the heatmap colors (right click and select properties/ plot/ heatmap
coloring) has been made clearer
- Expression profiles: Possibility to select genes (and create a new dataset out of them)
by drawing a box on the image
Version update 27.3.2009: What is new in Chipster 1.2.4
- Statistics/ Ordination-ca: Performs a detrended correspondence analysis. This
ordination method can be used for example in quality control and time series analysis.
- Clustering/ Classification: Adds many new classification methods to Chipster, including
variaties of discriminant analysis, neural nets, support vector machines and naive Bayes. The
tool does not yet implement validation using a separate test set, only cross-validation.
- Annotation/ miRNA target annotation: Provides miRBase IDs and target predictions (by
TargetScan and MIRANDA) for probes from Agilent miRNA arrays.
- Annotation/ Add annotations to the data: Provides the same annotations (chromosome
location, pathway involment etc) as the Annotate gene list -tool, but the annotation columns
are appended to the expression data file.
- Normalization/ Normalize to specific genes: Normalizes the data to specific genes given
in a separate gene identifier list. The identifier list must have a title row with text
"identifier" and contain gene identifiers used in the data file. An average of these genes is
calculated, and the expression values of all genes are adjusted using this average.
- Normalization/ Process prenormalized: Allows an easy import of data which has been
normalized by some other software. This tool converts the data to Chipster format (by adding
the text "chip." in front of the expression value columns) and generates the phenodata file.
The normalized data file needs to be imported to Chipster using the Import tool.
- Pathways/ Hypergeometric test for cytobands: Performs a hypergeometric test for
enrichment of genes to certain chromosomal positions (cytobands).
- Utilities/ Sort genes: Sorts genes based on a specified column. (As before, you can
also sort genes in the spreadsheet view of the visualization panel by clicking on the column
names. However, as the visualization panel only shows max 20 000 rows at the time, it is not
able to sort larger data sets).
- Utilities/ Extract genes: Extracts the specified number of genes from the top of the
data table. For example, one can first run the Calculate descriptive statistics -tool, sort
genes based on the standard deviation column, and then extract the 50 top-most genes.
- Illumina Human HT-12 (when importing these files to Chipster with the Import tool,
select the PROBE_ID column as an identifier)
- (Agilent miRNA arrays, see the annotation tool described above)
- In some institutions Chipster started normally but no tools could be used (empty error
message). This was caused by a proxy server restricting network traffic. This problem has now
been solved by a proxy bypass feature.
- Venn diagram didn't allow creating new datasets if one of the files contained only gene
identifiers (and no expression columns). This has now been fixed, allowing users to filter
datasets with their own gene lists. The column containing the identifiers has to be named
Version update 5.2.2009: What is new in Chipster 1.2.3
- Chipster is updated automatically also when you start it using the desktop icon (but we
still recommend you to launch it from the web page, as this way you can read the latest
announcements as well)
- Normalization/ Affymetrix exon arrays: Updated the script to use Bioconductor 2.2 in
order to overcome the affyio bug.
Version update 8.1.2009: What is new in Chipster 1.2.2
- Statistics/ Adjust P-values: Adjusts raw p-values in the selected column for multiple
testing using a specified method.
- Normalization/ Normalize to specific samples: Normalizes data to specific samples. The
samples to be normalized are coded with 1 in one column of the phenodata. The samples to be
normalized to are coded with 0 in the same column.
- Normalization/ Illumina SNP arrays: Illumina SNP array preprocessing. Input should be a
tab-delimited text file with genotype calls. Typically such a file is created using GenCall
software from Illumina.
- Statistics/ Association analysis: Association tests for normalized SNP array data. Runs
a Chi square test for every SNP. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is tested in controls only.
Association tests use the grouping information of sample in group column of phenodata.
Association tests are run for genotype frequences and dominant and recessive models.
- Utilities/ Combine probes to genes: Calculates an average for probes or probesets for
each gene in the dataset. The data file has to have a symbol column for this to work correctly.
After running this tool, only expression values and gene symbols are retained in the data, all
other columns and information are lost.
- Preprocessing/ Filter by CV: The genes whose CV is bigger than the median CV are kept.
- Normalization/ Illumina: The normalization method parameter has been renamed to
- Normalization/ Illumina -lumi pipeline: The normalization method parameter has been
renamed to "normalize.chips".
- Promoter analysis/ Weeder: Filtering added so that if there are several probe sets for
the same transcript (RefSeq id), the promoter sequence is used only once.
- Promoter analysis/ Cosmo: Filtering added so that if there are several probe sets for
the same transcript (RefSeq id), the promoter sequence is used only once.
- Promoter analysis/ ClusterBuster: Filtering added so that if there are several probe
sets for the same transcript (RefSeq id), the promoter sequence is used only once.
- Promoter analysis/ Retrieve promoters: Filtering added so that if there are several
probe sets for the same transcript (RefSeq id), the promoter sequence is retrieved only once.
- Venn diagram: Gene symbols added to the gene list in the "selected" tab, better merging
in data set creation
- 3D scatter plot: Gene symbols added to the gene list in the "selected" tab
- Volcano plot: Better scaling, gene symbols added to the gene list in the "selected" tab
- Phenodata editor: Possibility to copy the contents of one cell to many cells
Version update 11.11.2008: What is new in Chipster 1.2.1
- Statistics/ Linear modelling: More descriptive parameter names. Phenodata column names
are added to the result files for clarity. P-values and fold changes are given also as separate
files, so that they can be used for box plots, clustering, etc.
- Statistics/ NMDS: The sample names are colored according to the group column from the
phenodata. An additional result file is created where the sample names are taken from the
description column of the phenodata (defaults to original file names, can be renamed in
- Statistics/ One sample tests: By default the chips are scaled to the same mean before
running the test, but this can be avoided by the setting the new parameter
to "no".
- Utilities/ Calculate descriptive statistics: Writes the descriptives also in a separate
file, which can be used for drawing histograms and boxplots.
- Preprocessing/ Filter by expression: By default the chips are scaled to the same mean
before filtering, but this can be avoided by the setting the new parameter
to "no".
- Normalization/ Agilent 1-color: The normalization method parameter has been renamed to
- Illumina Human V3
- Illumina Mouse V2
- Agilent Zebrafish V2
- Agilent Rice (not comprehensive annotations)
Version update 13.10.2008: What is new in Chipster 1.2.0
- Possibility to create gene lists by selecting datapoints from images
- Interactive Venn diagram
- Data points selected in one visualization stay selected in the next one
- Possibility to open visualizations in a separate window
- Possibility to change sample names in visualizations
- Gene symbols are automatically available in 2D scatter plot, SOM visualization and
- Expression profiles are colored according to the expression level
- Annotations for data points selected in images is more comprehensive and not limited to
Affymetrix data
- Support for new array types
- Possibility to save multiple analysis sessions
- More flexible analysis workflow saving
- General improvements
- Improved Workflow view: automatic sizing, better layout
- The limit of concurrent analysis jobs per user is increased from 5 to 10
- For a complete list if changes, please see the release notes.
New analysis tools
- ROTS (reproducibility-optimized test statistic) ranks genes in order of evidence
for differential expression for two-group comparisons. This tool was kindly contributed by Dr
Laura Elo (please cite Elo L, Fil�n S, Lahesmaa R and Aittokallio T. 2008 IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 5: 423-431). Read
- SAFE is a tool for analysis of over- or under-representation of genes in KEGG
pathways. It takes both over-representation and expression into account, and the user can define
the minimum pathway size to be considered. Read
- lumi pipeline normalization for Illumina data. Lumi offers new normalization
methods such as rsn and loess. It uses BeadSummaryData files as input, so your raw data must be
in one file. The filename must end with ".txt", and you should NOT use the Import tool for
bringing the data into Chipster (in the Import files -window change the action to "Import
- Delete columns enables deletion of unwanted columns from the data, for example
after using the Merge tables -tool.
- Random sampling enables random sampling of genes or chips from the data, for
example before hierarchical clustering of large datasets.
Visualization news
- Possibility to create gene lists by selecting datapoints from images. You can
create new gene lists by selecting data points in 2D and 3D scatter plots, Venn diagram and
spreadsheet. After selecting data points with the mouse, go to the Selected-tab and click on the
"Create dataset" button (for spreadsheets highlight the gene identifiers, right click, and choose
"Create dataset").
- Interactive Venn diagram. If you select 2-3 datasets (by keeping the control key
down) you can visualize them as an interactive Venn diagram and thus create new datasets based on
the image.
- Data points selected in one visualization stay selected in the next one. Selecting
data points for example in a scatter plot will also highlight the same genes in a subsequent
spreadsheet view and vice versa.
- Possibility to open visualizations in a separate window. Clicking the "Detach"
button will open your current visualization in a separate window. This allows you to have several
visualizations open at the same time.
- Possibility to change sample names in visualizations. The phenodata file has a new
column called Description. This column is used for sample names in hierarchical clustering and
expression profile visualizations. By default it contains the original chip names, but you can
type in any description you like.
- Gene symbols are automatically available in 2D scatter plot, SOM visualization and
spreadsheets. During normalization both gene symbol and description is added to the spreadsheet.
- Expression profiles are colored according to the expression level
- Annotations for data points selected in images is more comprehensive and not
limited to Affymetrix data. The Annotate button in the Selected-tab of 2D/3D scatter plots and
Venn diagram now creates a gene list of the selected data points and annotates it using
Chipster's annotation tool, which is based on Bioconductor (instead of launching the GeneCruiser
service by Broad Institute).
Support for new array types
- Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. Chipster's Affymetrix normalization and quality
control scripts have been changed to use R2.7.1 in order to allow these functionalities also for
Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays.
- Agilent drosophila
- Agilent rhesus monkey
- Note that even if your array is not listed in supported
chip types, you can still analyze it with Chipster
. For other Illumina and Agilent arrays (such as miRNA arrays) simply choose "empty" as a chiptype
during normalization, and Chipster will automatically calculate a mean of all probes which have
the same identifier. The only exception is Affymetrix chips, because they require the CDF and
probe packages for the summarization to work.
Possibility to save multiple analysis sessions (workspaces)
In order to continue your work later on, you have to save your analysis session (workspace).
Saving the session will save all the datasets and their relationships. In Chipster 1.2, a session
is packed into a single compressed file with an extension .cs (for Chipster Session). This file is
saved on your computer, but you can also take it with and continue your work on another computer
by copying the session file there. Session files also allow you to share your work with a
colleague. Chipster 1.2 allows you to save multiple analysis sessions separately, and you can save
the session files anywhere you like.
To save a session select File->Save session. A previously saved session can be loaded by
selecting File->Open session. By default the current data is cleared before another session is
loaded, but you can also combine sessions by selecting "Add to current session" from the session
file dialog.
Note! Sessions are an extended version of the previous workspace system. If you have saved
a workspace with an earlier Chipster version, you can open it by selecting File->Open workspace
(session) saved with Chipster 1.1. Unlike the old workspace system, the new session system also
allows you to create workflows from datasets that were loaded from a session and you can view all
the details for them (including the source code) in the analysis history.
More flexible analysis workflow saving
Workflows allow you to automate your analysis steps, and also share analysis pipelines with
collaborators. Workflow is a description of the analysis steps that you've run to the currently
selected dataset. If you have run a workflow that you would like to reuse or perhaps share with a
colleague, you should save it by selecting its starting point data set and choosing
Workflow->Save starting from selected. In Chipster 1.2 you can save the workflow file anywhere
you like. You can also change its name, but the ending has to be .bsh.
You can apply the same workflow to another normalized dataset by selecting Workflow->Open
and run, or Workflow->Run recent (if you saved the workflow during the same analysis session or
if it is located under nami-workfiles in the chipster-scripts -folder).
General improvements
- Improved Workflow view: automatic sizing, better layout
- The limit of concurrent analysis jobs per user is increased from 5 to 10