Extract a FASTA sequence file and a QUAL quality file from a SFF file.
Extract a FASTA sequence file and a QUAL quality file from a SFF file. Sequences can optionally be trimmed for quality.
This tool is based on the Mothur package.
The analysis output consists of the following if Trim option is selected:
The analysis output consists of the following if Trim option is not selected:
Schloss PD, Westcott SL, Ryabin T, Hall JR, Hartmann M, Hollister EB, Lesniewski RA, Oakley BB, Parks DH, Robinson CJ, Sahl JW, Stres B, Thallinger GG, Van Horn DJ, Weber CF. Introducing mothur: Open-source, platform-independent, community-supported software for describing and comparing microbial communities. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009. 75(23):7537-41.