Chipster training courses

We run several bioinformatics courses on different topics every year in Finland and abroad. The courses at CSC are open for everybody, but you can also contact us to discuss options for hosting a course on your site.

We make our course materials publicly available so that anyone can download them for their own use. The materials include slides and exercises, and many courses have also lecture videos. The exercise data are available as example sessions on the Chipster server, and we also provide ready-made analysis sessions which you can use as a reference when doing exercises on your own.

We also provide training accounts to our Chipster server in Finland. Note, that users from Finnish universities and research institutes can use their HAKA and VIRTU logins to access Chipster, so no training account is needed. However, we kindly ask you to inform us about upcoming Chipster courses (number of participants, type of analysis jobs) so that we can add computing resources to the server if needed.

We run currently the following Chipster courses (follow the links for more info). CSC runs also other bioinformatics courses, you can find the upcoming courses in our course calendar.

  1. RNA-seq data analysis
  2. Single cell RNA-seq data analysis
  3. Virus detection using small RNA-seq
  4. Microbial community analysis of amplicon sequencing data (16S)
  5. Detection and annotation of genomic variants
  6. ChIP-seq data analysis
  7. Microarray data analysis

RNA-seq data analysis

This course introduces RNA-seq data analysis methods, tools and file formats. It covers all the steps from quality control and alignment to quantification and differential expression analysis, and also experimental design is discussed. The course takes two days (or one long day if you omit exercise sheets 3 and 4). You will learn how to Course material (2020):

Single cell RNA-seq data analysis

There are two courses for single cell RNA-seq data analysis. The more recent one focuses on the analysis of 10X data starting from the digital gene expression matrix (DGE), while the older one also covers the preprocessing of DropSeq data from raw reads to a DGE. Both courses show how to find sub-populations of cells using clustering with the Seurat tools, but the older course uses Seurat v2 instead of v3. You will also learn how to compare two samples and detect conserved cluster markers and differentially expressed genes in them. The course takes one day.

Course 1 (October 2020)
You will learn how to Course material:
Course 2 (March 2019)
You will learn how to Course material:

Virus detection using small RNA-seq

This course introduces the VirusDetect pipeline covering all the analysis steps and file formats. VirusDetect allows you to detect known viruses and identify news ones by sequencing small RNAs (siRNA) in host samples. siRNA sequences are assembled to contigs and compared to known virus sequences. The course takes about 5 hours. You will learn how to Course material (2018):

Microbial community analysis of 16S amplicon sequencing data

This course introduces microbial community analysis of (16S rRNA) amplicon sequencing data. It covers preprocessing, alignment to reference, taxonomic classification, and statistical analysis. The course takes one day. You will learn how to Course material (2020):

Detection and annotation of genomic variants

This course covers variant analysis from raw sequence reads to variant annotation, introducing the theory, analysis tools and file formats involved. The course takes one day. You will learn how to Course material (2016):

ChIP-seq data analysis

This course covers ChIP-seq analysis from quality control and alignment to peak calling, motif detection, and pathway analysis. It introduces the theory, analysis tools and file formats involved. The course takes one day. You will learn how to Course material (2016):

Microarray data analysis

This course covers microarray data analysis from quality control and normalization to differential expression analysis, clustering and pathway analysis. It introduces the theory, analysis tools and file formats involved. The course takes one and half day. You will learn how to Course material (2018):